ABC Word Academy
accomplishes its mission by:

Philosophy of Education
- Upholding a thoroughly Christian worldview, believing that all truth is God’s truth and that wisdom comes ultimately from God.
- Demonstrating the integration of learning, faith, and life.
- Challenging students to love the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind and strength.
- Promoting rigorous academic standards in the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom in every area.
- Fostering an atmosphere which encourages critical thinking through innovative teaching techniques in order to engage students in the discovery of truth and promote lifelong appreciation for learning.
- Recognizing the parent’s ultimate responsibility for the child’s education and discipline. The school affirms the model of the family, church, and school working together to train the child.
- Encouraging the expression of a Christ-like community within the ethnic, racial, cultural, and denominational diversity of our school.
- Guiding students to be responsible citizens while upholding the dignity due each individual.
- Inspiring a love of virtue and character through self-discipline fostered by precept and example.
Character Building is a part of learning here at ABC Word Academy, come join the fun!


Our environment is designed to meet the rapidly developing needs of the walking toddlers. Sturdy picture books and a variety of educational toys are available on open shelves, so children can make their own choices. Toddlers have a limited language skills and our teachers use many opportunities, such as singing songs, reading picture books, naming objects and describing events, to help children learn new words. Your child will play both indoors and outdoors each day.

Our program provides children a balance of structured activities and time for independent, creative play. Researchers believe that children learn best without stress through hands-on activities. They are constantly in motion and optimum learning occurs when they are allowed to move and choose their own play (work). Children develop understanding of concepts about themselves, others and the world around them through seeking solutions to concrete problems. We have learning centers math, science, blocks, art, books, writing and dramatic play.